Monday, January 17, 2011

The Philippine Sailfin Lizard

This is the largest member of family Agamidae of lizards native to many islands in the Philippines. They are usually found in woodland areas basking on trees, rocks and boulders never far from water edges. Large fins extending from along their bodies best characterize male sailfin lizards. Females are slightly shorter and the crest is absent. The Philippine Sailfin Lizard (Hydrosaurus pustulatus) is threatened throughout most of its remaining range by destruction of habitat and over-hunting for food and the live animal trade. The Biodiversity Conservation Centre of the Negros Forests and Ecological Foundation initiated a significant move to protect these lizards in Bacolod City. With funding support from Adelaide and Melbourne Zoos of Australia, the foundation designed a special sailfin lizard enclosure that will serve as the species breeding habitat.

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